
Ideon reports each transaction delivered to the Carrier so your systems and teams are fully aware of everything that happens.

Ideon delivers back a transparent view into how we operate with the data. The information is surfaced through the Enrollments API and accessible to you at any time. We provide several reporting endpoints to help you get insights into how and when we delivered, or will deliver, the data to Carriers.

For a detailed look into our Reporting API endpoints, please visit our API Documentation.

File Deliveries

For those groups that are delivered via EDI to Carriers, we want to let you know when the next file delivery is set to go out, and the full history of the past deliveries.

Coverage Periods

GET /coverage_periods/:id

  "coverage_period": {
    "id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
    "external_identifier": "ABC-132A54",
    "coverage_start_date": "2021-01-01",
    "carrier_name": "kaiser",
    "carrier_group_number": "123456",
    "distribution_format": "edi",
    "next_send_time": "2021-05-06T11:53:12.748Z"

When you request the details of a Coverage Period, the representation of a plan year for a group, we will return both the distribution_format and the next_send_time. The distribution_format field indicates whether we are delivering the data via API or EDI to the Carrier. The next_send_time field indicates when the next File Delivery will go out to the Carrier.

Coverage Period File Deliveries (EDI Only)

GET /coverage_periods/:id/file_deliveries

  "file_deliveries": [
      "id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
      "file_name": "ideon_small_multigrp_834_ca.txt",
      "sent_at": "2021-05-06T11:59:50.613Z"

The File Deliveries API returns each of the historical file sends Ideon has delivered to the Carrier on the group's behalf, along with the exact time it was delivered.

Coverage Transmissions

Coverage Transmissions tell you exactly what we sent the carrier for each member in a group. This historical view into the delivered data allows there to be no surprises on coverage transmitted, so you can rest assured that we are doing our part.

File Delivery Coverage Transmissions (EDI Only)

GET /file_deliveries/:id/coverage_transmissions

  "coverage_transmissions": [
      "member_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
      "file_delivery_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
      "type": "subscriber",
      "elections": {
        "medical": {
          "plan_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
          "last_sent_at": "2021-05-06T13:28:21.852Z",
          "benefit_status": "employer_sponsored",
          "start_date": "2021-01-01"
        "voluntary_life": {
          "plan_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
          "last_sent_at": "2021-05-06T13:28:21.852Z",
          "benefit_status": "employer_sponsored",
          "start_date": "2021-01-01",
          "volume": 8000000

The File Delivery Coverage Transmissions endpoint details the information Ideon delivered to the Carrier for a particular file delivery.

Coverage Period Coverage Transmissions

GET /coverage_periods/:id/coverage_transmissions

  "coverage_transmissions": [
      "member_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
      "type": "subscriber",
      "elections": {
        "medical": {
          "plan_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
          "last_sent_at": "2021-05-06T13:28:21.852Z",
          "benefit_status": "employer_sponsored",
          "start_date": "2021-01-01"
        "voluntary_life": {
          "plan_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
          "last_sent_at": "2021-05-06T13:28:21.852Z",
          "benefit_status": "employer_sponsored",
          "start_date": "2021-01-01",
          "volume": 8000000

The Coverage Period Coverage Transmissions endpoint details the latest information Ideon delivered to the Carrier for each Member, Subscriber or Dependent, at the moment of the request.

Member Coverage Transmissions

GET /members/:id/coverage_transmissions

  "coverage_transmissions": [
      "product_line": "medical",
      "plan_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
      "sent_at": "2021-05-06T13:38:29.705Z",
      "benefit_status": "employer_sponsored",
      "start_date": "2021-01-01"
      "product_line": "medical",
      "plan_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
      "sent_at": "2021-05-01T13:38:29.705Z",
      "benefit_status": "employer_sponsored",
      "start_date": "2021-01-01"
      "product_line": "medical",
      "plan_id": "a37ecd06-5d97-46e4-9b4e-dcde6a03246f",
      "sent_at": "2021-04-24T13:38:29.705Z",
      "benefit_status": "employer_sponsored",
      "start_date": "2021-01-01"

The Member Coverage Transmissions endpoint details all of the historical Coverage Transmissions Ideon has delivered to the carrier for that Member, in descending order of the sent_atdate field.

Last updated

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